I.T. Does not know
Why does I.T. assume it understands what the business needs - without engaging them?
"We know what they need - they don't need an invite."
"We've been here longer than they have."
"If they knew, they would have told us."
"We'll get them to do user-testing."
Have you seen this? It's frustrating.
Does corporate culture create self-preservation anxiety?
If so, I'd expect someone in fear of survival would seek confirmation before taking action to ensure they deliver what's needed.
Is it hubris they do know?
Suppose hubris comes with a dose of cognitive dissonance to justify past project failures - all delivered with the same people and patterns.
Why does the Executive not insist on cross-functional teams?
When the operating teams (and their leadership) are in a state of denial, the company is in for long term risk.
Should the Board dig into this level of understanding to ask why the company is not making progress on its most critical initiatives?
I believe so.
If your company is struggling to deliver, then get into the details and pull a few people together for an honest chat.
Got your message blocked due to a lack of popularity? Then book an 'open door' session with an executive and share your frustration.
In summary: you've got to lead, or leave.